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The Trinidad and Tobago Heart Foundation is proud to be a founding member of The Trinidad and Tobago Non-Communicable Diseases Alliance (TTNCDA). The TTNCDA is an organization guided by a vision to be the lead coordinator and voice of civil society in the fight against non-communicable diseases (NCDs).


The Trinidad and Tobago Non-Communicable Disease Alliance was launched on 22nd March 2017 at the Cascadia Hotel.


The TTNCDA members will work together and with all of society, catalyse and monitor policy and actions in all sectors to promote healthy lifestyles and to reduce NCD’s and their risk factors.

The Founding Members of the TTNCDA are:

  • Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago

  • Trinidad and Tobago Cancer Society

  • Diabetes Association Trinidad & Tobago

  • Trinidad and Tobago Heart Foundation

  • Heartbeat International of Trinidad and Tobago

  • Chest & Heart Association of Trinidad & Tobago

  • Trinidad and Tobago Association of Nutritionists and Dietitians

  • Caribbean Sport & Development Agency

  • Trinidad and Tobago Coalition for Tobacco Control


The NCD Alliance is supported by organisations such as PAHO (Pan American Health Organisation), IDRC (International Development Research Centre), CARPHA (Caribbean Public Health Agency), Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC), Chronic Disease Research Centre, CARICOM, University of Toronto, The University of the West Indies, Institute of International Relations (UWI), Canada, and HEU.

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